Suez Waste to Energy plant Lagne, France
"Hard accumulations of ash and slag caused the boiler to be shut down for manual cleaning almost every two months. The SootGone™ system was installed in one of the problematic areas, on the top of the boiler in the evaporator zone, where flue gases turn their direction by 180°. The manual cleaning was challenging in this specific area due to its high elevation of 27meters. With the SootGone™ installation, we solved this problem. SootGone™ keeps this area clean while the boiler is running. The SootGone™ has been operating on the steam boiler for almost two years."

Ecosol Waste to Energy Plant, Veridis, Israel
"Ecosol is a Waste to Energy plant burning annually 45,000 tons of hazardous medical and chemical waste. These wastes include considerable amounts of non-combustible residue, sludges, and acids. The main problem is keeping the boiler and flue ducts clean of the resulting soot and slag, which quickly accumulate on the internal surfaces. The fouling also quickly changes in nature from fly ash consistency to being rock hard. The SootGone™ detonation system was installed for trial operation in 2014 in place of steam soot blowers and consisted of 4 Pulse Generators. The SootGone™ proved itself as a reliable and effective cleaning system. Therefore, it was decided to install additional Pulse Generators. At present, 20 Pulse Generators of the Soot Gone System operate in our plant. SootGone™ is a safe and effective online cleaning system. After eight years of operation without downtime especially for cleaning or any damage to the boiler, we can highly recommend SootGone™ system and the expertise of the LeonPulse Ltd team."
A.E. BIOECOLOGY, animal waste incinerator, Israel

"The incineration process of carcasses is a complicated process in which achieving complete combustion is quiet a complex task. During incineration, the particles of soot, fat, and slag create fouling in the duct, which accumulates in it right behind the kiln. The problem of fouling and plugging the duct forced the plant to shut down every two months. The manual cleaning process of solid fouling is hard and dirty work under extreme conditions and, in addition, demands considerable time to cool the whole system and has a bad effect on the refractory. These shutdowns resulted in economic losses and we had to look for a solution to this problem. Installed in early 2019, the online detonation cleaning system SootGone™ completely solved the plugging problem. The investment return was achieved in four months due to upgrading process efficiency."

Bromine Compounds ICL, Israel
ICL Industrial Products Bromine Compounds ltd (ICL-IP), the industrial chemicals division of Israel Chemicals Limited, is the world’s largest producer of elemental bromine, supplying over 33% of global demand. Leonpulse ltd supplied to Bromine Compounds ltd a fully automated Soot Gone™ system for a new waste heat boiler. A total supply of 8 pulse generators will keep clean the two channels of the evaporation zone clean from bromine powder sedimentation and prevent the bridging in the hoppers. The dimension of evaporators is 1500 x 2000 x 13000 mm. The high-energy, high-temperature pulse waves provided by the SootGone™ system are not harmful neither to the boiler tubes in corrosive environments nor to bromine powder accumulated in the boiler. The detonation cleaning system is the best solution in this case.